Lab Facilities
Coordinator: Dr. Lanny Griffin
The mission of the advanced instrumentation lab is to provide support to other labs in biomedical engineering. This includes expertise in sample preparation for nano- and micro-indentation, scanning electron microscopy, undecalcified hard tissue histology, as well as performing advanced analysis and characterization of natural and engineering biomaterials. Equipment includes a Hitachi S-800 Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope, Bioquant Nova, Micromaterials Microtest 600, Buehler precision diamond saw, Anatech Sputter coater, and metallographic polishing and cold-mount capability.
Location: ATL, St. Jude Lab
Coordinator: Dr. David Clague
The Biofludics laboratory focuses on biofluids characterization, microfluidics and Bio-MEMS. The biofluids side of the laboratory is equipped with a capillary rheometer, Osmotic pressure meter and a fluid properties characterization meter (conductivity, ionic strength, pH and dissolved gasses). The microfluidics side of the laboratory is equipped with two microfluidic test stations. Each microfluidic test station has a LabSmith video microscope and three Harvard apparatus Plus 11 syringe pumps. In addition to these capabilities, we have a LabSmith DC power supply, Tektronix signal function generator, and 4 high end workstations for design and analysis, one of which is equipped with National Instruments capabilities to perform Impedance sensing and AC-signal function generation.
Students design, manufacture and model microfluidic chips. Additionally, students prepare and characterize reagents and conduct microfluidic experiments.
Coordinator: Dr. Lily Laiho
The vision of the Biomedical Imaging and Bioinstrumentation Laboratory is to develop novel instrumentation incorporating imaging technologies to probe and understand biological systems on the molecular, cellular, and tissue levels. This laboratory concentrates on applications in biology and medicine and offers undergraduate and graduate students the opportunity to be involved in projects applying imaging and bioinstrumentation to diagnosis of disease. The laboratory is currently under development and, in the future, will have the ability to perform confocal microscopy, optical coherence microscopy, fluorescence microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and other optical techniques. Current research areas of interest in the lab include optical biopsy, cancer detection, creation of multi-modal instrumentation, and noninvasive monitoring devices providing diagnostic information.
Coordinator: Dr. Lanny Griffin
The mission of the BioMAC Lab is to characterize mechanical performance of both natural and engineered materials. Primary interests and expertise are associated with fracture, fatigue, static strength, and mechanical properties. Projects include application of engineering principles to characterize natural materials, micro-indentation, nano-indentation, fatigue of orthopedic and cardiothoracic surgery devices, micro-fracture toughness, and stent testing. Equipment includes a Bose SmartTest SP, Bose Enduratec 3200, Instron Inspec 2200, and a Micromaterials Microtest 600.
Location: ATL, St. Jude Lab
Coordinator: Dr. Robert Szlavik
The advancement of the state of the art in the simulation, modeling and experimental application of biological neural systems and integrated neural-electronic systems for the benefit of medicine, national defense and the space sciences.
The Electrophysiology and Neural Electronics Research Group at California Polytechnic State University has extensive expertise in the simulation and modeling of neurological systems. This simulation and modeling expertise includes simulation of linear as well as non-linear neurological systems. A principal recent focus of the group has been the development of Hodgkin-Huxley based equivalent circuit models to study the characteristics of neural-electronic systems. Consequently, there is extensive in house experience related to combining simulations of excitable cells, through the use of Hodgkin-Huxley active membrane equivalent circuit models, with models of electronic devices. Additional research efforts have been focused on developing improved, physiologically relevant, models based on the Hodgkin-Huxley excitable membrane framework for implementation in SPICE-based simulation programs. These efforts are ongoing and have included successful implementation of the models in SPICE circuit description programs or (netlist) code as well as hard coding Hodgkin-Huxley equivalent circuit models within public domain versions of the SPICE program.
Recently the group has been extensively involved in the development of hybrid nerve conduction velocity techniques based on the spectral group delay characteristics associated with compound evoked potential measurements of peripheral nerve. These techniques facilitate the determination of peripheral nerve fiber diameter distributions associated with the fibers that contribute to the propagated evoked potential. If successfully implemented, the group delay techniques could provide an alternative and more robust diagnostic tool for neurologists in the diagnosis of pathologies of the peripheral nervous system.
The group has an extensive empirical and theoretical program focused on studying the impact of organophosphate based neural toxins on the electrophysiology of the neuromuscular junction. Detailed mathematical models of the processes involved in conduction of neural activity across the motor end-plate have been developed. These simulation studies are currently being validated empirically through electrophysiology based empirical investigations of the leech neuromuscular junction exposed to organophosphate based neural toxins.
The Electrophysiology and Neural Electronics Laboratory features state of the art electrophysiology instrumentation for sharp electrode and patch clamp experiments. A Molecular Devices/Axon Instruments MultiClamp 700B sharp electrode/patch clamp amplifier is the main instrumentation platform for intracellular studies. This platform is supported by advanced digital sampling/data collection capabilities with the Molecular Devices/Axon Instruments Digidata 1440A Digitizer and the supporting PClamp 10 Electrophysiology Software Suite. Customizable data acquisition capabilities are further enhanced by the availability of a high speed National Instruments PCI-6259, M Series data acquisition system capable of 1.25 MS/s. Intracellular electrophysiology studies are supported by a Nikon Eclipse FN1 fixed state microscope with a Gibraltar x-y stage platform. The facility is housed in a radio frequency screen room located within the St. Jude Biomedical Engineering Laboratory in the Advanced Technology Laboratory at California Polytechnic State University.
Location: 41-209
The objective of the In Vitro Systems Lab is to allow students and faculty to design, build, and evaluate in vitro systems for a variety of applications. These systems can be used to cultivate living tissue models for device and therapeutic evaluation, to create an environment for the production and harvest of cellular products, or to mimic geometries and conditions found in living organisms.
This facility centers on the development and implementation of components necessary for creating in vitro systems. Biologic and synthetic polymeric scaffolds are synthesized and utilized, bioreactor systems are designed and built to meet specific criteria, samples are prepared for post-cultivation evaluation, and conditions such as flow and pressure are controlled and measured.
Location: 38-134
Coordinator: Dr. Trevor Cardinal

Principal Investigator
Trevor Cardinal, PhD
Graduate Students
Isobelle Espiritu
Ricardo Lasa
Jessica Scherer
Colleen Richards
Quentin Klueter
Undergraduate Students
Olivia Welch
Jordan Ambrose
Ada Tadeo
Nick Dion
Sammi Shi
Christine Do
Jaden Frazier
Elsa Bean
Karly Knox
Mahina Saucedo
Makenzie Jones
Randy Hau
Simon Park
Chloe Zimovets
Laboratory Mission Statement
The mission of our lab is to advance biomedical understanding while educating future generations of scientists and engineers, providing students with opportunities to learn by creating knowledge and ideas. Our primary objective is to understand the impact of vascular disease on blood flow control, which we hope will provide the foundation for advanced therapeutics to improve vascular health.
General Research Interests
Our laboratory is at the nexus of two fields- microcirculation and cardiovascular regenerative medicine, hence the lab name. Specifically, we are interested in how the regulation of skeletal muscle blood flow is impacted by arteriogenesis* and risk factors for vascular disease. Studies investigating blood flow control are typical in the microcirculation field, while studies investigating arteriogenesis are typical in the cardiovascular regenerative medidine field. We combine these two fields to understand how various aspects of vascular disease impact the control of skeletal muscle blood flow. Unfortunately, vascular disease and its many risk factors impair the regulation of skeletal muscle blood flow, which can lead to leg pain while walking and decreased quality of life. Although all tissues depend on nutrient and waste exchange through blood, the massive increase in muscle metabolism that occurs when transitioning from rest to locomotion needs to be supported by a similarly massive increase in blood flow. When blood flow doesn’t increase sufficiently, patients experience a burning sensation referred to as intermittent claudication. If left untreated, vascular disease can worsen to the point where limb tissues no longer heal, and amputation is required (vascular disease is the #1 cause of lower limb amputation). Therefore, we hope to understand why various aspects of vascular disease impair the regulation of blood flow to skeletal muscle, and how cell transplantation and exercise can improve these processess blood flow. Although our focus is skeletal muscle, our research is applicable to vascular disease of the heart, aka coronary heart disease- the leading cause of death in the US.
*arteriogenesis is the enlargement of natural bypass arteries after a main artery is blocked
Laboratory Methods
Our studies involve one or more of the following- surgery, cell transplantation, in vivo microscopy, and immunofluroescence.
Publications (Lab Members Bolded)
Gouin KH, Hellstrom SK, Clegg LE, Cutts J, Mac Gabhann F, Cardinal TR, Arterialized collateral capillaries progress from non-reactive to capable of increasing perfusion in an ischemic tree, Microcirculation. 2017 Dec 28 [Epub ahead of print]
- Guendel AM, Martin KS, Cutts J, Foley PL, Bailey AM, Mac Gabhann F, Cardinal TR, Peirce, SM, Murine Spinotrapezius Model to Assess the Impact of Arteriolar Ligation on Microvascular Function and Remodeling, Journal of Visualized Experiments, 73, 2013.
Cardinal TR, Struthers KR, Kesler TJ, Yocum MD, Kurjiaka DT, Hoying JB, Chronic hindlimb ischemia impairs functional vasodilation and vascular reactivity in mouse feed arteries, Frontiers in Physiology, 2:91, 2011
MCS Annual Meeting 2018- Cell Transplantation & Collateral Capillary Arteriogenesis, Cell Transplantation & Arterialized Collateral Capillary Vasodilation, Cell Transplantation & Arteriogenesis in Obesity, Force Production & Arterial Occlusion
MCS Annual Meeting 2017- Sex Differences in Arteriogenesis & Vasodilation
Fall MCS Meeting 2014- Blood Velocity & Collateral Capillary Arteriogenesis
MCS Annual Meeting 2014- Vasodilation & Collateral Capillary Arteriogenesis, Blood Velocity & Collateral Capillary Arteriogenesis, Mechanoadaptation & Collateral Enlargement, Aortic Stenting
Fall MCS Meeting 2013- Vasodilation in Preexisting & Newly Formed Collaterals
MCS Annual Meeting 2013- Vasodilation & Collateral Enlargement, Vasodilation & Collateral Capillary Arteriogenesis
MCS Annual Meeting 2012- Ischemia & Bone
MCS Annual Meeting 2011- Vasodilation & Ischemia
MCS Annual Meeting 2010- Vasodilation & Ischemia
Fall MCS Meeting 2009- Vasodilation & Ischemia, Network Architecure & Ischemia
MCS Annual Meeting 2009- Vasodilation & Ischemia, Network Architecture & Ischemia
“Microcirculations” in Nature
After viewing photomicrographs of vascular networks so often, we have begun to “see” these elegant, almost artisitc structures everywhere. After exercising your left brain on the papers and posters above, exercise your right brain with the pictures below.
Gorgonian Coral photographed in the Great Barrier Reef by David Danzeiser looks a lot like the interconnected capillaries of the lung.
Roots from a Maple Tree penetrating a burl on a Large Western Red Cedar (according to Dr Matt Ritter) in Stanley Park, resemble microvessels feeding a solid tumor.
Alumni | ||
Name | Degree | After Graduation |
Mary Kate Evans | BS, BME 2018 | PhD at U Penn |
Christopher Hatch | BS, BME 2019 | PhD at UC Irvine |
Mark Landon | MS, BME-Regenerative Medicine 2019 | Scientist at ThermoFisher |
Madison Hubbard | BMS, BME-Regenerative Medicine 2019 | Engineer at ViaCyte |
Courtney Nickell | R&D Engineer at Edwards Life Sci | |
Vahid Hamzeinejad | BMS, BME-Regenerative Medicine 2018, Report | Engineer at ViaCyte |
Tanner Quon | BMS, BME-Regenerative Medicine 2018, Report | PD Associate at Capricor |
Chris Tran | BMS, BME-Regenerative Medicine 2018, Report | MD, Cal Northstate U |
Eric Magill | BMS, BME-Regenerative Medicine 2017, Report | Second Lieutenant, US Marine Corps |
Ethan Tietze | BMS, BME-Regenerative Medicine 2017, Report, Senior Project | Research Associate, Leiber Institute |
Padon Sivesind | BMS, BME 2017, Thesis | Process Engineer, Kite Pharma |
Britta Nelson | BMS, BME 2017, Thesis, Senior Project | R&D Engineer at Meditrina |
Megan Chu | BMS, BME 2016, Thesis, Senior Project | Manufacturing Engineer, NeoTract |
Kenny Gouin | BMS, BME-Stem Cell Research 2016, Report, Senior Project | PhD, Cedars Sinai |
Patrick Paine | MS, BIO-Stem Cell Research 2016, Report | Research Associate, Stanford |
Laura Burckhardt | BMS, BME 2015, Thesis, Senior Project | EP-TSS, St Jude Medical |
Ashli Santos | BS, BME 2015, Senior Project | Medical Assistant Program |
Travis Suttle | MS, BIO-Stem Cell Research 2015, Report | R&D, Capcicor Therapeutics |
Caitlin Koeroghlian | BS, BME 2014, Senior Project | Biomechanics Engineer, Biomechanica |
Amanda Krall | BS, BME 2014, Senior Project | EP-TSS, St Jude Medical |
Ashkon Nehzati | BMS, BME 2014, Senior Project | ER Scribe, Apply to DO |
Sara Hellstrom | BMS, BME 2014, Senior Project, Thesis | Process Engineer, St Jude Medical |
Jennifer Go | BMS, BME-Stem Cell Research 2014, Report, Senior Project | Project Engineer, NDC |
Josh Cutts | BMS, BME-Stem Cell Research 2014, Report, Senior Project | PhD, Arizona State University |
Paul Heckler | BS, BMED 2014, Senior Project | R&D Engineer, Altaviz |
Stephan Papp | BS, BIO 2014 | MD, University of Colorado |
Allison Peck | BMS, BME 2013, Senior Project | Mech Engineer, Home Dialysis Plus |
Robert Chacon | MS, BIO-Stem Cell Research 2013, Report | Lab Manager, Stanford/VA |
Daniel Hoover | BS, BME 2013, Senior Project | MD, Loma Linda University |
Paige Czarnecki | BS, BME 2012, Proprietary Project | Applications Engineer, inviCRO |
Ryan Gallagher | BMS, BME 2012, Thesis | Quality Engineer, Alcon |
Tyler Smith | BS, BME 2012 Proprietary Project | PhD, UCLA |
Andrew Tilton | BS, BIO 2012, Senior Project | Research Associate, SRI Int’l |
Chris Li | BS, BIO 2012 | MD, Boston University |
Whitney Cole | BMS, BME-Stem Cell Research 2012, Report | ER Scribe, apply to MD |
Ian Mahaffey | BMS, BME-Stem Cell Research 2012, Report | Quality Engineer, Boston Scientific |
David Danzeiser | BMS, BME, 2012, Thesis | World traveler |
Alexander Bynum | BMS, BME 2011, Thesis | Quality Engineer, Stryker |
Michael Govea | BMS, BME 2011, Thesis | R&D Engineer, Boston Scientific |
Michael Machado | BMS, BME 2012, Senior Project | Thesis, Dr K Cardinal |
Thomas Harper | BMS, BME-Stem Cell Research 2011, Report | Research Associate, UCSD |
Anna McCann | MS, BIO-Stem Cell Research 2011, Report | PhD, U of Washington |
Andrew Burch | MS, BIO-Stem Cell Research 2011, Report | PhD, UC Davis |
Kyle Struthers | BMS, BME 2011, Thesis | EP-TSS, St Jude Medical |
Shilpi Ghosh | MS, BME 2010, Thesis | MBA, Indian Inst of Foreign Trade |
Joe Zhu | OD, New Engl College of Optometry | |
Phil Chang | TDP, Edwards Life Sciences | |
Emily Deckert | BS, BME 2010, Senior Project | EP-TSS, St Jude Medical |
Thomas Kesler | BS, BME 2010, Senior Project | MD, New York Medical College |
Matthew Yocum | MS, ENGR (BME) 2009, Thesis | MD, Medical College Wisonsin |
Allyse Alex | BS, ASCI 2008 | Clinical Embryology |
Stephanie Wood | MS, ENGR (BME) 2008, Thesis | MD, UC Irvine |
Location: ATL
The focus of this facility is the design, development, construction, and testing of instruments for direct clinical and commercial application. Key thrust areas include bioinstrumentation, medical devices, biomaterials, biomechanics, bio-remediation, prosthetic robotics and microbial interaction with materials.
Location: 192-130
Coordinator: Dr. Lily Laiho
This lab is devoted to generating and fostering innovations that improve the quality of life for people with disabilities. We focus on engineering-driven projects that address challenges that people face in today’s world, using engineering and computing expertise to improve the human experience. The lab provides students with an excellent opportunity to develop unique solutions for health problems faced by people with disabilities and perform hands-on work while making a difference in someone’s life. We serve a wide range of individuals and community members seeking assistive technology solutions.
Location: 197-209
The objective of the Tissue Analysis Laboratory is to provide the tools for students and faculty to evaluate tissues at the structural, cellular, and molecular level.
The Tissue Analysis facility centers around core competencies in the areas of histological evaluation and gene expression analysis. Histology protocols include sectioning and staining to assess tissue morphology and cellular phenotypes. Gene expression analysis involves nucleic acid isolation, amplification, and quantification in order to determine the molecular characteristics of cells and tissues. This facility currently contains multiple fume hoods, a rotary microtome for histology, PCR thermocyclers, a gel imaging station, and electrophoresis chambers.
Location: 41-209A
The objective of the Tissue Engineering Laboratory is to provide an aseptic and controlled environment for the culture of cells and the creation of living tissue engineered constructs.
The Tissue Engineering Laboratory facility is a site for working with living systems. The facility is focused on the ability to culture and maintain cells and tissues in flasks, bioreactor chambers, and other in vitro environments. Maintaining proper conditions for cells, tissues, and reagents is accomplished with a biological safety cabinet, dedicated cell and tissue incubators, and other equipment housed in this lab. The cell incubator is used to culture a variety of cell types in flasks and dishes, while the large tissue incubator can house pumps and bioreactor systems for tissue cultivation.