BMED Student Clubs / IRAs

Biomedical Engineering Society
Medical Design Club
Endeavors to Move People Onward With Engineered Results
Society of Women Engineers

Our Society

BMES is a professional organization that strives to connect students with other students, faculty, and industry. Our major contributes to the design, development, and advancement of medical technology including, but not limited to medical imaging, cardiovascular devices, implants, and prostheses. Our goal is to provide professional skills and advice in a fun environment.

Our Chapter

At California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, our chapter is a student-run organization whose main purposes are:

  • Promote interaction between students and industry
  • Facilitating and supporting student-run research and development projects
  • Promote and support the development of the new biomedical engineering major at Cal Poly.

Meetings Times

Every other Thursday starting the second week of each quarter at 11:10 am. Building 14 room 249.


Industry speakers, outreach, career services speakers, socials and panels with faculty, Open House, and WOW Club showcase!

Visit their website at:

EMPOWER Student AssociationEMPOWER (formerly Quality of Life Plus Student Association) was established to improve the quality of life for individuals facing physical challenges. The EMPOWER (Endeavors to Move People Onward with Engineered Results) club’s newly stated goal is to “create better everyday life through engineering and innovation.”

The club is associated with the TECHE Lab (Transforming Engineer Through Community Hands-on Engagement).  The center will leverage Cal Poly’s Learn by Doing approach to have a wide impact, addressing both individual and society needs.

EMPOWER members work directly with individuals who have needs, then design and manufacture devices that can help.  In the past, EMPOWER members have constructed prosthetic arms, legs, hands and other devices to help “challengers” improve their quality of life. The club provides learn by doing and teamwork skills to students outside the classroom while engaging in rewarding, real-world work.

Visit their website at: Home | EMPOWER (

What Do We Strive For?

Recognized as an instructionally related activity at California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, Medical Design aims to contribute to human welfare, alleviate pain, restore health, extend life, and better the quality of life through using our interdisciplinary skills to develop, research, design, and manufacture quality of life-improving technology.

  • We enable club members to pursue their passions and develop themselves and their skill sets in a favorable environment.
  • We strive for the greatest quality and to be recognized as a club and people of dedication, honesty, integrity, and service to improve our community.

Visit their website at:

The Society of Women Engineers of Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo, strives to provide a voice for women that will encourage them to achieve their full potential as engineers and as leaders. It is our mission to create engineering opportunities, provide career and scholastic resources, and demonstrate the value of teamwork to all students of this university and of the community.

Visit their website at:

Resources for Club or IRA officers and members.

What is a Club?  Clubs and organizations at Cal Poly provide opportunities that incorporate instruction, scholarship, and service in a Learn by Doing environment. Students, staff, and faculty partner to apply theory to practice by competing in national competitions, addressing global issues, and serving the community at large. The Clubs & Organizations’ hands-on approach develops leadership skills, enhances social growth, and complements the academic curriculum. Explore – Cal Poly Now

What is an IRA?  An Instructionally Related Activity (IRA) is an “out-of-class experience” that provides enrichment to students and enhances their learning at Cal Poly. Funding for recognized IRAs is provided through student fees. All IRA programs/activities are partially sponsored by an academic dean or department and are “integrally related” to a formal instructional program.  Academic Programs – IRA