Britta Berg-Johansen – Assistant Professor
Office: 192-234
Phone Number: 805-756-6312
Email: bbergjoh@calpoly.edu
Dr. Berg-Johansen is a Cal Poly alumna and is excited to be back at her alma mater to teach and inspire the next generation of engineers and scientists! After graduating from Cal Poly in Mechanical Engineering, she obtained her PhD from UC Berkeley and UC San Francisco’s joint doctorate program in Bioengineering, where her dissertation research focused on spine mechanics following spaceflight, throughout the aging process, and in disease. After receiving her PhD, Dr. Berg-Johansen was a technical consultant at Exponent, where she worked with medical device and wearables clients to conduct failure analyses, R&D, and user studies aimed at improving health technologies.
Research Interests
Orthopaedic biomechanics
Biomedical image processing
Digital health and wearable devices
Human motion biomechanics – HMB lab website: https://hmblab.calpoly.edu/