
Domestic Student Travel

Travel must be discussed and approved by faculty two weeks prior to travel. Please read the following directions and initiate the BMED Travel Pre-Authorization Adobe Sign form.

International Student Travel

Students representing Cal Poly (paid by University funds or not) MUST register with the  International Center to ensure proper duty of care and insurance is in place for the traveler. 

Defensive Driver Safety Program (to be completed if you will be driving)

If you are not driving, skip to Travel Pre-Authorization section below.

If you will be driving, either your personal vehicle or a rental, you must complete all steps of the Driver Safety Training before you travel. You are not authorized to drive until you have received notification of approval from Risk Management. Due to high request volume, please submit applications and supplemental documentation at least 30 days prior to travel.  Note: Students must complete Driver Safety Training each academic year.

1. Required Documentation

Volunteer Assignment:  In the Adobe Sign form fields “Requester” and “Volunteer” use your Cal Poly email. In the “Department Head” form field enter (for review and delegation to chair).

→ EHS-Volunteer Assignment Form (Adobe Sign) 

Authorization to use Privately Owned Vehicles on State Business: 

→ RM-STD261 (Adobe Sign)

Once both forms are signed, download a copy and submit with your ROV application (below). For additional information and to learn more about each program, please refer to Environmental Health and Safety and Risk Management-Driver Safety.

2. Complete Driver Program

For complete program information, please refer to the Defensive Driver Program. The training module below is for volunteers and anyone without access to the Learning Hub.

→ Defensive Driver Training ( 

3. Complete ROV Application

Request to Operate a Vehicle: In the form field “Driver’s Supervisor” enter (for review and delegation). On page 1 under “Driver Assignment” check the box “Personal Vehicle”

→ Request to Operate a Vehicle (Adobe Sign) 

You will need to attach the following to your application:

  • Both sides of your Driver’s License.
  • Driving Record if you have an out of state license.
  • Copy of certificate(s) of completed trainings with full name and date.
  • Signed Volunteer Verification form.

Travel Pre-Authorization (to be completed by all travelers)

You must receive pre-authorization to travel using Cal Poly funds.

Use your Cal Poly email to initiate the form. An agreement from Adobe Sign will be emailed to you. Open the document and complete all required fields.

Download and save a copy of the approved/signed form to submit with your Travel Claim.

BMED Travel Pre-Authorization (Adobe Sign)

Travel Guidelines (all travelers)

Make travel arrangements once your pre-authorization is approved. Please check with faculty about your budget and funding source. There are different allowable expenses depending on the project you are working on. The below amounts are do not exceed amounts. 

  • Meals: Meal allowances are dictated by faculty based on available funding and budget. Please ask faculty what the budget is for your current trip. If meal expenses are allowed, they are calculated using the state per diem rate of $68.00 per day. First and last days of travel are reduced to 75% of the allowable Per Diem rate. Meals that have been provided for the traveler are factored in. Meals are not reimbursed with travel less than 24 hours. 
  • Hotel: $333 maximum excluding taxes, itemized receipts required. 
  • Personal Vehicle: Complete Defensive Driver Safety Program steps above.
  • Rental Vehicle: Complete Defensive Driver Safety Program steps above. Work with the BMED office to book a rental.


  • Travel packages containing air, hotel and/or car should not be purchased unless itemized receipts are obtainable.
  • If travel is within 25 miles from home/Cal Poly a claim can’t be filed.
  • Travel using State funds: University Travel Guidelines
  • Travel using CPP funds: CPP Travel Guidelines 

Travel Claim (to be completed if you will be seeking reimburement for travel expenses)

Within 10 days from the return of your trip copy and email the BMED office the following information and applicable documents listed below: 

Traveler Information
  • Name:
  • Mailing Address:
  • City:
  • State:
  • Zip:
  • Travel Start Date:
  • Travel End Date:
Expenses (add in totals for applicable expenses)
  • Total miles (roundtrip):
  • Lodging cost: $
  • Did faculty approve a meal allowance (yes/no):
  • Who was the approved driver:
  • Passenger(s) who drove with the approved driver:
  • Who paid for the hotel:
  • List all room occupants, first & last name(s):
  • Were any meals provided for you, and if so, which and on what date:  
Documents to attach
  • Travel Pre-Authorization: Include your approved/signed Travel Pre-Authorization.
  • Google Map: If you drove and are claiming mileage, download a copy of map showing your route and total miles. 
  • Receipts: Attach receipts for expenses $75 or more. Receipts must show final cost, itemized list of what was purchased, proof of payment, and date of purchase. 
  • Proof of Payment: Bank statement showing charge for expenses $75 or more (personal information should be redacted).

When will I receive my check: Travel claim reimbursements typically take two weeks for processing once it is approved by the BMED office for payment. The check will be mailed to the address listed on the claim.

More information can be found at University Travel.