Trevor Cardinal – Professor
Office: 192-326
Phone Number: 805-756-6244
Email: tcardina@calpoly.edu
Trevor Cardinal received his PhD in 2007 from the University of Arizona in Physiological Sciences, completing his dissertation work (Blood flow control during ischemic revascularization) under James B Hoying, PhD. He completed his BS in Kinesiology at Cal Poly. He is currently a Professor of Biomedical Engineering. Dr. Cardinal’s research interests focus on understanding how arteriogenesis (i.e. the enlargement of natural bypass arteries) impacts blood flow control and skeletal muscle function in the context of vascular disease, and how cell-based therapies can be used to augment these processes. His teaching approaches include case-based lectures and inquiry-driven research-like laboratory experiences.
For more information on Dr. Cardinal’s research, visit the webpage for his research lab.
Dr. Cardinal is the Director of the Regenerative Medicine Program, a 2-year MS degree specialization designed to prepare students for careers in regenerative medicine http://regenmed.calpoly.edu/
Research Interests
Cell Transplantation
Sex Differences in Ischemic Disease